Monday, June 8, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

It was a busy weekend around here.

We had a yard sale, my first as an adult. Profit of $130 after buying price stickers. It was a neighborhood sale, so I didn't bother placing an ad in the paper. I could have made a killing if I had sold Samantha's baby clothes and toys, but I'm holding on to those just in case we should need them again in the future. I cringe thinking about having to pay full retail for baby related items. I did sell her bathtub, but it was a gift and not the one we would have asked for.

Yesterday I made four batches of strawberry jam for a total of 38 jars. I only make jams from locally grown produce. To do otherwise would just be wrong. I'd rather buy a jar of Smucker's (a fine product I admit) than use store-bought berries. Homemade jams made with sugar will keep forever even though most recipes say they only keep 12 months. I don't care for low-sugar and no-sugar homemade jams because they turn gray and ugly quickly and keep no more than 12 months. On a good year I jam a lot. On a bad year I miss the harvest window and don't jam anything. Strawberry season is only 2-3 weeks and it started last week. Next week I will be on vacation. We ran out of 2005 jam about six months ago, I couldn't take any chances. The time to jam was here, so jamming I did. I expect this year's strawberry jam to keep me until the 2011 or 2012 season depending on how many jars I give away.

As I mentioned last week, I already had this week's menu planned out. As predicted, last week's version had to be modified.

Monday - we had baked ziti, garlic bread and strawberry radish spinach salads. The ziti was supposed to be yesterday. The garlic bread was a deal from Kroger's triple coupon sale over the weekend. The strawberries, radishes and spinach were all picked from the garden today.

Tuesday - taco joes, french fries, spinach something

Wednesday - chicken taco wraps, green veg

Thursday - ranch chicken kabob salad (maybe, depends on the CSA share this week)

Friday - pizza night, green veg, clean out the fridge

Saturday - Vacation!

Do you know what you're eating this week? If you would like some menu plan inspiration, be sure to check out Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie to see what others are having!


  1. Isn't is wonderful to have meals planned for the week? :-) And I can't believe you have your own strawberries--way to go!
    Thanks for stopping by Frugal at Home today--I really meeting new bloggers this way!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Orozco Home's Kool today! It really helped keep me motivated on trying for a week number two on no eating out! That ranch chicken kabob salad sounds awesome... I will have to check it out!
